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Comments for Political Narcissism in the Horn of Africa: A Call for Regional Unity and Transformation!

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Jan 27, 2025
There is Only One Solution in My Global Dynamics!
by: Khalid

This is a remarkable political issue. Thank you Nathan Abtew. By a way or another it reflects conflicts in other parts of the world too. I mean conflicts of interests are all there over the whole world and they are results of certain politics. Politics has also contributed to world disasters resulted from global warming, pandemics and international terrorism.

If you looked closely to these crises, you will spot the conflicts of interests between the Capital from the left and the right. Policies like the free market and open marks have contributed to most of these crises. So, you just want to put your feet in the right direction. By, saying this I don't precisely point at you, but we all need to rethink again about everything that has gone wrong with the world since the late eighties.

I think you have read the Global Dynamics sections and spotted where I am putting my feet onto. To change this world, just to sum it up. It is the mission of specific intellectuals to reform this world. Fortunately, I come up with the formula needed for this reform. All that the formula requires is the manpower.

As for you call to "International actors, including the United Nations, the African Union, and neighbouring countries"... ARE YOU SEROUS?

These are corps. Politics is so corrupted in many places. We even do not need it for any governmental role and absolutely we even do not need governments, political parties, parliaments to rule this world.

Other political articles by Nathan Abtew
* Nile River and Political Tension in the Horn of Africa.

* Will Ethiopia Be a Failed State Due to Amhara Genocide.

* Ethiopia Towards Civil War.

Articles by By Enkidu Debeba

* Nile River and Political Tension in the Horn of Africa.

* Will Ethiopia Be a Failed State Due to Amhara Genocide.

* Ethiopia Towards Civil War.

* Stop Political Prostitution in Ethiopia.

* Balance Shift Politics and Genocide in the Horn of Africa.

* Stop Amhara Phobia in the Horn of Africa.

* Dead Politics in the Horn of Africa.

Articles by by Enkidu Debeba

* War Clouds in the Horn of Africa.

War Clouds in the Horn of Africa.

* Bring Them to Justice.

* The Twentieth Century Political Waves and Ethnical Deceit.

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