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Something Dramatic about the States of the IGAD!

by خالد عثمان

There is absolutely something dramatic about the states that make the umbrella called the inter and the IGAD in the abbreviation.

This dramatic something is also static and sometimes funny, especially when you look at the the vision of each leader in this regional area, forget about the differences in the goals, the way of thinking, the philosophy of ruling and any other lack of understanding what their people think, especially in this age on the 21st century.

It is about all of this that I successfully established the Horn of Africa's Network some 20 years ago. And here now we have thousands of pages about the Horn of Africa and East Africa. I aim to get you in the frame of mind of this network to be a positive citizen, the area would be glad to have because she, or he is very active to change the negatives of policies into positives.

It is easy to doing this network. Start with the HOA Political Scene Newsletter. Subscribe to it and confirm your subscription through your email.

The main political theme, (the theme, which is always deteriorating in many states in the Horn of Africa and East Africa) is oriented to change the miserable situation ranged from Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan, the main lands of the Horn of Africa and to extend to involve Kenya and Uganda, the extension of The Intergovernmental Authority on Development called to my surprise the IGAD.

The capital cities of those countries: Asmara, Addis Ababa, Djibouti, Kampala, Khartoum , Mogadishu and Nairobi do have their secrets and of course different agendas locally and also regarding their relations with the others. No one rather than a journalist who is the son of the area is able to discover and unfold these secrets.

And not any journalist, but a journalist who has a good global vision -- a journalist who can approach even the up coming future with good intention to deliver negatives into positives, AIMING to bring up a modern generation. A modern generation with a real global vision and well modernized that will be able to wash and clean away this tragicomedy the area is living!

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Will this year be a good start for positive changes in Asmara, Addis Ababa, Djibouti, Kampala, Khartoum, Mogadishu and Nairobi!

Do you have any article or comments on the Chadian Political Scene, Djiboutian Political Scene, or Eritrean Political Scene, or Ethiopian Political Scene, or Kenyan Political Scene, or Somali Political Scene, or Sudanese Political Scene, or Uganda's Political Scene?

Open the proper country's political scene to bring your article or comment in. I reward for any article submitted giving away invaluable e-books to download. Those e-books are about how to write on the Net, how to make your knowledge sell and how to make your words sell. They are making profits on the Internet. Just download them to know.

Now, what thoughts you have to add to the Sudanese Political Conscience? Tell us what you think of the Sudanese political conscience! Use the Comment C2 Entries link below, or any comments form on the main pages and fill all the information needed. It is better to request follow-up too, to read others who reply to your article or comment. Be active.

See also some commentaries on this network at: Comments on Sudan| Eritreans Love Commentaries| Eritrean Political Comments| Readers Comment|Readers Read Good| Readers Write Comments| Readers Write Good| Somali Arabic Comments| Somali Political Comments|

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