Conquer the Sudanese Regional Policy of Absenteeism!
The Sudanese regime controls the Sudanese regional policy by two kinds of schemes. As military religious regime, it designs its anti-regional policy to deceive the regimes in other neighboring countries and export terrorism.
Then it plays using its regional policy to invest in the conflicts between the states in the Horn of Africa using the simple method of "make fragmentation and divide the people to rule". Its goal is to get safe, keep in power as long as it could and penetrate the area by its regional elements to create the same religious systems in other states.
In addition, as the Sudanese policy of absenteeism dominates Sudan, the same policy of absenteeism spreads in other states in the Horn of Africa for many other reasons, as the political changes in those states prove the existence of political absenteeism in many of them.
Despite of fact that the military religious regime uses Eritrean elements controlled by the Sudanese regional policy of absenteeism, but Eritrea seems the only state that proved to have good awareness the Eritrean revolution have succeeded to create with unprecedented rival in the whole Horn of Africa.
The Sudanese regional policy of absenteeism dominates Sudan and some other places in the Horn of Africa. This policy maybe also in some other parts in the world. But, I publish this page here to encourage you to conquer the Sudanese policy of absenteeism.
This Sudanese policy of absenteeism is not only used by the military religious regime in Sudan. But, the sectarian parties used it in the country since the independence in 1956. All that the military religious regime has done, is to develop it and strengthen it by what they call political Islam and then uses it as Sudanese regional policy to export terrorism to the neighboring countries in the Horn of Africa.
I hate what they call political Islam in Sudan, because I know Sudan is a country of cultural and ethnical diversity. It is not only impossible to plant political Islam in such soil, but it is also impossible to plant any kind of religion to dominate the political power there. This is why I respect the Eritrean revolution and consider it the strong example to follow to liberate the Horn of Africa from such religious phobias, whether they are in Islam or other religion.
On the other hand, there is nothing called political Islam, even though they want it to be. Politics is a science and Islam is a religion. This statement is also applicable to other religions. In this direction, there is nothing called Christian politics or Jewish politics. Are those people kidding us?
To fulfill the complete scheme of their Sudanese regional policy, they host the religious groups from Eritrea, Somalia and some other lands. They have even educated and graduated some of their leaders from religious educational institutions like what they call the African Islamic Centre, now a university, to claim the political power in those countries in the future.
Not only that, but they support al-Shabab in Somalia at the same time, using what I call the (octopus policy) to have many arms in the political power, both in the government and in the opposition, because al-Shabab are not also leads, but the most obsessed important leads in their Sudanese regional policy.
They are still carrying out this scheme, despite the claims that they plan other Sudanese regional policy with Eritrea for example to deceive the political leaders of Eritrea or get them calm down, while they continue conspiring with Ethiopia.
The leader of the Somali Islamic party in the transitional government is one of their graduates. The political leaders of Chad are some of their leads in this African regional area. Obsessed, those military leaders in Chad have even taken the same name of the Islamic revolutionary salvation council, as their influencers did when they carried their coup in Chad.
I am seriously laughing at such propagandas. And they know by the way, they are using Islam for political gains and even gambling by its name to get wealth and power. Go investigate their Islamic banks to see corruption, robbing of the national treasuries, usury and many illegal methods.
The problems we stated somewhere here on many pages about the Sudanese regional policy of absenteeism, makes me believe that they have embodied the devil (another political concept of my own) to create such scheme and dominate the simple Sudanese people for ever.
Many people afraid to express such opinions about the Sudanese regional policy, although they are totally against the Sudanese military religious dictators. I understand that they should not continue to be afraid. Saying that you hate political Islam doesn't mean that you are not Muslim. Islam is not up to them to decide on this issue.
The circle of fear goes to no end and they will continue robbing the national treasury and the life out of you, until you wake up and get the hell of them out of power.
See also the Sudanese Regional Politics.
For more Horn of Africa's political analyses, see my book, "The Political Tragedy of the Horn of Africa" at the right column.
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Scholars find articles on the political development in Sudan and analyses of the Political news in Sudan to rely on for scholarly prepared researches.
Scholars find also articles on the political development in Somalia and analyses of the political news in Somalia to rely on for scholarly prepared researches.
In addition, scholars find articles on the political development in Eritrea and analyses of the Political news in Eritrea to rely on for scholarly prepared researches.
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